The Z is dead. Long live the Z!

11 Years (and counting), that’s how long the 370Z have been around. So much so it even became an internet meme for hanging around THAT long. (Enough for BMW to release 2-Generations of the 3-Series). So it’s not secret that people have been waiting for a new Z for a really long time. And, it’s […]

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Double (miniature) Trouble: Tomica Limited Vintage 1/64 Porsche 912 and Nissan Bluebird Wagon 警察車

I think it is safe to say that it’s been common knowledge that in Japan, the love of speed has been around for quite several years. With Japan pumping out serious cult speed machines since the 80s through to the early 2000s, midnight street racers shooting down the wangan expressways maketh the dreams of all […]

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