An Auto-Otaku in Munich 2021: A sombre morning in Dachau

Visiting the Dachau memorial isn’t fun. There is little happiness to be felt and it is a depressing place to be in, often uncomfortable and at times, even chilling. Its serene and almost surreal atmosphere decades after liberation presenting a macabre contrast to the immeasurable atrocities committed within its walls. A visit to Dachau is […]

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The Rolls Royce Black Badge Ghost lands in Singapore with more post opulence than anything our filthy minds can dream of

Yes, it’s here folks, the Rolls Royce Black Badge Ghost, for their most discerning of discerning customers. For whom money is but a mere inconvenience and the faintest hint of pompous showy bling is an affront to their very existence. Rolls Royce calls it a “celebration of Post Opulence in extremis and the purest expression […]

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An Auto-Otaku in Munich 2021: Touristing for a day, visiting the Residenz and attempting another schnitzel

With my automotive escapades done and dusted with quite a bit of the day remaining, I headed back into town to play tourist for the rest of the afternoon. One of the lovely things about visiting Munich is just the sheer number of attractions scattered across the city mere steps away from each other, making […]

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